Sunday, October 27, 2019

Blog Post #7

For this weeks blog, I will be discussing one of the eight values of free expression that I believe is the most important, most inspiring, most underrated, and most meaning full is individual self fulfillment. If one were to examine grade school class from kindergarten to senior year of high school, you will notice that even at the tender and young age of five years old, people like to do things that make them happy or feel good. It all starts when children are born. My baby cousin ever since she was just a little baby, she would always fall asleep sucking her index and middle finger on her right hand. Its what made her most comfortable and she my sleep like that for the rest if her life. We all have things that we do like that where we have always done them and we don’t really have an answer as to why other than its what you do. We are all made different and in a world so heavily influenced by work and money, it is important that when we do have time away from school, work, or even family and friends, that we enjoy that time doing things that will make the daily grind that we call life easier. Self-fulfillment also promotes self-confidence and can change ones mood drastically. The way a person feels on the inside, typically directly affects the way that person acts on the outside. So if we all just do the things that make us happy and make us feel god about not only ourselves, but life in general, we can confidently and seamlessly put or best foot forward everyday.
Image result for self fulfillment

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