Monday, October 7, 2019

Blog Post #6

This week’s blog post is about the group presentations we did in class last week. Everyone did a very good on their projects and I believe the whole thing was a success. The thing I loved most about this project was the spontaneousness (if that is a word, which I don’t think it is, but this MY blog). When I walked into class two Tuesday’s ago, I 100% thought were going to stay in the classroom for the full hour and half and just write notes, like we usually do. I was pleasantly surprised when Professor Smith told us to pack up and go to Cottrell. I was very confused and thought he was playing at first, but sure enough, he was serious. I hadn’t seen the COM tech timeline before that day, so on the walk over to Cottrell I was thinking about what we could possibly be going to Cottrell for. I thought there was a public speaker or something. The fact that we have that timeline on campus is incredible (even though it should be in the communications building). My favorite thing that I learned about during the presentations was the messenger pigeon. I had no clue how big of a role they played in war efforts around the world. I hope Professor Smith continues to do this project because it was spontaneous and fun!

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