Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Blog Post #11

For this week’s blog post, we are supposed to talk about one of the PP presentations we saw today in class. Personally, I have been without a laptop for around 3-4 months and that has made things extremely difficult for me at school where we are so laptop oriented. Unfortunately, this assignment is one where having a laptop would’ve been very beneficial. Now that the presentations are a few hours old, I do not remember them very well, but I am going to do my best to recall them. I can’t recall what group it was, but I think Sabrina was in it. I remember one of her slides pretty well. It was the one where it showed the 6 most dominant channels/networks and all of the many companies/channels that are associated with them. Mr. Dean made a point to talk about how you scroll through channels and see the many different names and think that they are all independent, when in reality they are either owned by or in business with the main 6 channels we saw in class. This stood out to me the most out of everything that went on during the presentations. I think in the future, the PP’s should be made available through blackboard, so that people who don’t have laptops or even people who wish to write their blog posts at a later time, can do so and have just as much to talk about as the people with laptops and people who wish to do their blog posts the same day. 

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