Saturday, November 30, 2019

Blog Post #12

Image result for government privacyFor this week’s blog, we were supposed to listen to the TED talks posted on your blog and discuss the content in them. The first video talks about tattoos. Just this year, I got my first and second tattoo, so this video caught my attention. The man in the video suggests that we look at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc as electronic tattoos. They give just as much, if not more information about you than any tattoo ever could. They also do not have a certain lifespan, so just as a tattoo lasts forever, as does your footprint on the internet. I thought that that was a very interesting way to look at the social media platforms we use daily. The next video was by Catherine Crump and she was talking about the insane surveillance cameras that police departments are allowed to use to gather a very detailed illustration of who they think you are. License plate readers capture images of licenses and checks each plate to see where people have gone or may be going. The government in way too involved in our everyday lives and I have believed this for a very long time before seeing these videos. I have friends who truly believe the government watches the webcams on our desktops and laptops. At first I didn’t believe them, but I have started to believe it more and more with all of this information out now on how the government spies on its own citizens. I think we need to do something to even further limit the government's power.  
Here is another article on how the government invades our privacy:

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