Sunday, September 29, 2019

Blog Post #5

For this week’s blog post I decided to write about the video posted under week six, “Mad World Remix of Moby Video.” I noticed a few things almost immediately. Those things are the main character appears to be smaller than everyone else, which makes me believe he is a child. Another thing I noticed was everyone except for the main character was too busy looking at their phones to notice things like other people and things on the ground they could potentially step on or in. It seems as if everyone is way too focused on their cell phones to notice the little boy is alone and left out. The video depicts a lot of things that are currently happening in our society with cell phones like recording things for followers and likes instead of helping people in need. Another example of this is where the family is sitting at the table, but everyone is eating their food while they are in their phone. Even the baby has a phone in that scene. The scene I liked the most was the one where the director depicts people sending emojis that express an emotion, but they are not actually feeling any emotion and their faces are straight. Another scene I enjoyed a lot was the one where the girl is in black and white until she is behind the camera on her phone, which makes her come back into color. Overall, I enjoyed the video a lot. It scares me a lot to think that everyday our society is getting closer and closer to making this video a reality.
Link to the Assigned Video:

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