Friday, September 6, 2019

Blog Post #2

The Supreme Court videos we had to watch for class was very educational. I have never been the best at history, so I learned a lot of new things and re-learned old things from watching these videos. The creators mission for the video seemed to be to humanize the Supreme Court. Not that us at citizens of the United States think that the justices of the Supreme Court are not human, but we may think of them as puppets of the government or "system." The director did a great job of allowing viewers to get an up close view of not only how the cases are decided in the Supreme Court, but the people who decide on the cases as well. In one scene, the justices agreed that their views on some cases change after the justices have met and discussed the case. That stuck out to me because it really illustrates the direct impact of human interaction, which ties into my previous theory that the creators were attempting to humanize the justices and change public opinion about them. There is another part in the video where the justices seem to go on for a while about how their cases are held in public and they cannot go into work with a pre-determined opinion on a given case. Overall, I enjoyed the video and learned a lot from it. 

Image result for The supreme court

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