Sunday, September 22, 2019

Blog Post #4

For this week’s blog post, we were told to visit two websites ( and Just from reading the names of these websites, you can tell pretty quickly what type of content these two websites will have. The anti-war website has a bunch of headlines that its viewers can click on that will take them to another website that talks more in depth about what the headline hints at. Some examples of the headlines used on this website include “US forces heading to Saudi Arabia to defend oil,” “US defends attacking Afghan farm laborers.” There are quite a few headlines that talk about Trump on this website too. This website also contains blogs, a contact us link, and a link to send donation. The American conservative website is similar to the anti war website because they both feature a large amount of news stories that viewers can easily access by clicking on the story/headline. The American conservative however contains pictures that go along with the stories. Aside from the links to news articles, this website also contains blogs, an about us page, and a donation link. These websites are well designed for the most part and they allow people who believe in both issues (anti-war and conservatism) to learn more about those things.  

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