Friday, September 13, 2019

Blog Post #3

Forty-eight states out of 50 in the United States (and Washington, D.C.) have launched an anti-trust investigation into Google. A similar thing is currently happening to Facebook as well. Apparently Google is buying out most of their competition due to their lack of competition and this creates an unfair advantage for companies with large advertising/PR budgets. What I did not take into account was the affect that has on the states and the citizens within them. This unfair advantage causes many companies to be left out and not have their products or services advertised for a big crowd, which Google generates. In March of this year, Google was already fined $1.7 billion for forcing advertisers to only advertise with them. I forgot how dominant Google was as a company. When you think about it, they are all over our world and that is a negative thing if it comes out that Google and maybe even Facebook are guilty of the accusations against them. I think this story is very interesting because with how long both companies have been around, it’s scary to think of all of the things they may have done to abuse their power over our digital media.

Image result for google investigation

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